Friday, September 26, 2008

Citizen marketers should the 1 percenters be paid? week 4

Citizen Marketers determines the 1 Percenters as hobbyists which are essentially people who have embraced the principle of the participatory Web. These people are the ones that have made social media outlets such as Digg, Flickr and YouTube a true success. According to "Citizen Marketers" hobbyists are called this because what they do is a hobby. In addition, these people say that blogging frees them from expectations of labor and deadlines. Although the book goes on to describe the pay if a hobbyist were considered an actual job I still think these hobbyists or 1 percenters should get paid some for what they do. I mean successful web sites like Wikipedia, are truly successful because of these people. I feel like they deserve more credit than just a pat on the back. I'm not saying it should be a job, but I think some sort of compensation would be beneficial. Plus, perhaps more people would become 1 percenters if they knew some sort of benefit was available. This in turn, would hopefully increase the amount of bloggers and social media in general. So what do you think? Am I completely out of line to say this? Personally, if I spent a lot of time blogging and found out that I actually made a certain web site extremely successful, don't hold it against me, but I would want something in return. If you spend a lot of time on something and put your heart into, I would assume you might want something in return as well. Like I said what does everyone else think?


Anonymous said...

Hmmm. I say they shouldn't be paid. If we start paying people for their opinions, or worse, paying them for their hobbies things could get ugly. There would have to be a contract, how much would they be paid and for how much work? Deadlines? They become employees and certain rules might need to be upheld that don't coincide with the blogging atmosphere.
How about creativity and honesty? If you are being forced to do something by deadline for a paycheck does creativity and honesty suffer?
The web (and tv too) make everything seem credible. But if everything is credible, what is real?
If we find an incentive for more people to blog, say money, will we lose the purity of blogging?

CaseyDee said...

I'm going to have to agree with Madison. Maybe what you're getting at is a "one-time reward" sort of thing, where if you help make a Web site popular they give you some sort of compensation? If we made it more of a one-time deal, then it wouldn't be like a job. People would still produce social media, but there would be a few people who coulp reap benefits of it by becoming popular.

Maybe that isn't where I'm trying to take it... but I'm just letting my fingers do the talking. My brain is having trouble working today :)